Clean, Clear Water Solutions You Can Trust

Softer skin. Spot-free dishes. Better tasting. Discover how Nelsen custom water solutions can help you get the most out of your water.

Residential Water Solutions

Homeowners have trusted Nelsen Water Solutions systems for more than 65 years. Let us put our experience to work for your family.

Commercial Water Solutions

Our equipment can handle a wide variety of multi-family, healthcare and commercial applications, without reducing essential flow rates.

Water Treatment Systems

Water Softeners

Turn hard water into soft water that’s gentler on skin, dishes, fabrics and water-dependent appliances.

Water Filtration

Although water softeners get rid of some heavy metals along with hardness, water filtration systems are the best way to remove impurities.

Reverse Osmosis

Reverse osmosis removes a wide range of drinking water contaminants.

Enhance Your Water Quality

Let Nelsen Water Solutions work with you to solve the water issues that you're experiencing in your home.

I see scale deposits.

Shower walls or dinner dishes not looking clean? A water system can

My laundry is stained or discolored.

Stiff, dingy-looking laundry can be a sign of excessive minerals in your water.

My water has a bad taste.

While your water may be safe to drink, a water system can help it taste so much more refreshing.

Find A Local Nelsen Water Solutions Dealer

What Our Customers Are Saying

"Having a filtration in my house just makes me feel better every time we go for a glass of water. Its a tiny piece of mind that's worth every penny. Really happy with my Nelsen system."

Ellen Watson

"I am so happy with this water softener. It replaced my old one and has worked beautifully since day one. For our family, it was the perfect upgrade. I really like the features and options as well."

James Morgan

"I love my RO System from Nelsen. It's great to have clean water to drink in the house finally! And I feel a lot better knowing that the water is now purified and free of contaminants."

Stacy Torres

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